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with due credits
Rahman,brigitte arlette, uisng following button
The applets are duly registered and licenced to my site
by Fabio Ciucci
Published in print and audio-Library of Congress-USA
Copyrighted to Rahman, brigitte Arlette-Malovel
In the glass lift of the city dream,
what I do is how much I mean to neighbors
I have never met. Doors are always closed.
I miss the winter slopes, the snowy mountains
of my soul, at the bottom of the joy ride.
Sisyphus would always pull back up
the sledge of a brand new day
Walking blind in between neons,
missing my destination ,I am losing my trail
I am moving out ,I am packing up my thoughts
climbing down the stairs of the materialistic hell
Each of the days that were meant for me.
I hope to find still in the hand of Sysiphus
ready to be pulled back up
Brigitte Rahman Lovelbis-Un
Copyright ©2001 Brigitte Lovelbis-Un