-all right reserved
My graphics are linkware.
You can save save on
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with due credits
Rahman,brigitte arlette, uisng following button
The applets are duly registered and licenced to my site
by Fabio Ciucci
Published in print and audio-Library of Congress-USA
Copyrighted to Rahman, brigitte Arlette-Malovel
The bullet clones itself
in the spine of the pain
as the sun leaps in hegemony
skies swallowed by darkness
carry the flight incognito
as one son of Mesopotamia
dressed in the hospital gown
of Paris, the nurse without papers.
The blades of the white days
sharpen the walking stick
for the walk on the desert land
of his village home Tikri.
The echo of his return
has forsaken the cold statue
for the magnetic tower of Eiffel
A lesson of humanity brought
deep into the heart of a father
May the land feel the heartbeat
of the harvest of compassion
Copyrighted Rahman,Brigitte Arlette(c)